NERVED firar 20 år av Concrete Metal: Marcus Hanser och Joachim Björkegren i Väsby Rock Podcast

[In Swedish only] I Väsby Rock Podcast intervjuas Marcus Hanser och Joachim “Kim” Björkegren i nästan två timmar. De två gitarristerna bakom NERVED, har en historia som sträcker sig långt längre än bandets två decennier. Deras gemensamma musikaliska resa började redan i 10-årsåldern och har format ett oskiljaktigt band som de nu delar med sig…

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Our Debut Album “Off Line” Returns: A Blast from the Past with Stellar Collaborations and Rave Reviews

Hey there, rock enthusiasts and die-hard fans of NERVED! We have some incredibly exciting news to share with you. After nearly two decades, our highly acclaimed debut album, “Off Line,” has made its triumphant return to all major streaming platforms. We couldn’t be more thrilled to bring this timeless gem back to your playlists and…

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I Love You – here is where it starts

On Christmas Day 2004 a large part of the Swedish population stops chewing on their Christmas chocolate. A TV commercial from Save the Children makes it clear how domestic violence looks in the eyes of the victim – the child. Many still remember the day when they first saw it, as well as the sequels.…

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